Chicago most immigrant-friendly city in America


“We are tremendously proud Chicago has been named the most welcoming city in America for immi-grants and refugees,” Chi-cago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said in a statement. “This ranking reflects the pas-sionate and dedicated work of countless public offi-cials and community mem-bers across our city who have come together to stand up and fight for the rights of our immigrant and refugee communities, no matter the cost.”
Michael Bloomberg,
“This ranking reflects the passionate and
dedicated work of countless public officials and community members across our city…”
Lori Lightfoot

Rupert Murdoch and other corporate executives launched New American Economy in 2010 as a coa-lition dedicated to reframing immigration reform as the solution to repairing and stimulating the American econ-omy. The group aims to secure the borders and prevent illegal immi-gration, create more oppor-tunities for immigrants to join the U.S. work-force and build a path to legal status for all undocu-mented immigrants. ♥