Former Somalia President says Farmajo has no plans for election


Hassan Sheikh Mohmoud, the former President of Somalia who is once again running for Presidency, has expressed deep concern on whether the Presidential election would take place on its given date. He accused the incumbent President Farmajo of being an obstacle to the election.

Hassan Sheikh Mohmud also said that Mohamed Abdillahi Farmajo has no plans to hold elections citing his recent decision of suspending powers of the Prime minister. The former President praised the Prime minister’s leadership in pushing for credible and transparent elections.

He called on the federal member state leaders to continue playing their constructive role in ensuring the peaceful conduct of transparent elections in the country.

Tensions between top Somalia government officials have been running high over the past weeks over high-profile appointments this month due to the disappearance of Somali female agence, and their spat threatens to imperil repeatedly delayed elections in the Horn of Africa nation.