Somalia Humanitarian Fund allocates US$26 million for life-saving assistance


The Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) has allocated US$26 million to scale up life-saving assistance for about 1.2 million people in the country. These critical funds, part of the SHF 2021 Reserve Allocation, will support national and international non-governmental partners operating in Banadir, Bay, Galgaduud, Gedo, Hiraan, Lower Juba, Middle Shabelle, and Mudug regions.

“This allocation will enable humanitarian agencies in Somalia to boost life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable communities in areas where needs are the highest,” said Mr. Adam Abdelmoula, Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia. “With limited resources and funding, humanitarian agencies in Somalia need urgent support to provide timely response.”

The $26 million allocation will provide strategic support for selected cluster-specific priorities and integrated interventions, focusing on areas with acute water shortages brought about by prolonged drought, as well as on flood-affected populations in hotspot locations.

Close to two-thirds ($17 million) of the funding will support priority activities for Food Security, Health, Nutrition and WASH Clusters. About 36 per cent ($9 million) will bolster response to flood-affected people through integrated and complementary packages.

Germany remains the largest donor to the SHF. Other top donors are Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. This year, the SHF has so far allocated $39 million to humanitarian partners Somalia.

As of 31 August, the 2021 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan, which is seeking $1.09 billion, is only 41 per cent funded. With multiple shocks persistently causing high levels of humanitarian and protection concerns in Somalia, life-saving assistance must be sustained alongside livelihood support.