Somaliland opposition Waddani party elects new leadership


Tuesday, November 16, 2021 (HOL) – The second congress of the Somaliland opposition party Waddani has concluded in Hargeisa, Hirsi Haji Ali Hassan has been elected chairman of the Waddani party, and 6 vice chairmen and secretary have been elected.

The elected vice chairmen are Ahmed Omar H. Abdillahi (Hamarje), Abubakar Abdirahman Good, Milgo Mohamed Elmi, Hussein Abdi Boos, Saleban Duale Jama, Mohamed H. Yusuf Wabeye. Khadar Hussein Abdi was also re-elected party secretary.

After his election, Hirsi said in a speech that he had the knowledge and experience to lead, and that he could lead the party effectively based on his experience and expertise.

“We believe that we have the knowledge and experience to prepare for the leadership of this party and any major institution, and here are the elders and party leaders we have worked with who can today measure my strengths and abilities, which I think led to this incident today. In an

interview with Somali Cable, Ms. Milgo, the party’s only female leader, thanked the party’s candidate, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Irro, who she said was the reason for her election.

The structure of the Waddani party as a whole has changed and the party’s previous positions, such as Hirsi’s and the interim leader Abdikadir Jirde, have disappeared.

Abdilahi Abdirahman Mohamed, Hiiraan Online