Jowhar Mohamed and Baqale Gerba say they will not give up on the rights of the Oromo people


Jowhar, January 12, 2022 (HOL) – Jowhar Mohamed and Baqale Gerba of the recently released Oromo OFC party, at a press conference, called on the Ethiopian government to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ethiopia. then the government and the TPLF come to the negotiating table.
The members also called on the federal government to conduct further investigations into the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, an Oromo artist. .

They also said they would never give up on the rights and advocacy of the Oromo people, many of whom had suffered and were later imprisoned.

Jowhar Mohamed and Baqale Gerba, both of whom were released by the government a few days ago, are mostly advocates for the rights of their Oromo ethnic group, and are involved in Ethiopian politics.

Abdilahi Jawhar, Hiiraan Online