Somali government repatriates nearly 100 youths detained in Libya


Wednesday, January 12, 2022 (HOL) – The Somali government has this morning repatriated 97 youths who have been imprisoned in Libya for years.
The young migrants, who had suffered a lot during their detention in Libya, said they were “very happy” to be repatriated.

Somali Foreign Minister Abdi Said Muse told the media that the release of the young men came after President Farmajo recently met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey.

The minister said that President Farmajo had discussed with the Libyan president the transfer of Somali nationals detained in that country.

“The federal government has made great efforts to repatriate prisoners from many parts of the world and those who are suffering in their home countries,” he said.

In the past four years, the Somali government has repatriated the largest number of detainees, most of whom were illegal immigrants.

Abdiweli M. Sheikh, Hiiraan Online