Somali Auditor General suspends contract awarded by trade minister


Khamiis, Janaayo, 13, 2022 (HOL) – Hantidhowrka guud ee Soomaaliya ayaa joojiyay qandaraas uu wasiirka ganacsiga Soomaaliya ku siiyay tayaynta hubinta badeecadaha dekeda Muqdisho, shirkad lagu magacaabo Maru port.

The Auditor General has accused the Somali Minister of Commerce of awarding the contract in a manner inconsistent with government regulations and contracts.

The Office of the Auditor General has insisted that the law will be enforced if the Minister of Commerce disobeys the directives of his office and will be prosecuted.

It was only recently that the Minister of Commerce fired the Director General of the Somali Quality Assurance Agency, after he contracted a contract awarded by the Minister.

Abdiweli M. Sheikh, Hiiraan Online