Louvre Abu Dhabi explores the links between East and West


The Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi opened this Wednesday an exhibition that explores the links between East and West.

The exhibition focusses on the role of the Court of Louis XIV, the Sun King, in cultural exchanges between France and the Far East during the 17th century.

“Versailles is one of the main symbols of the French culture and the cultural aspect that can come from a king but it is also in a way for us at Louvre Abu Dhabi where we are always questioning the interconnection of cultures and exchanges between cultures. For us it’s a way to requestion the myth of Versailles and to see how it was connected to the world”, said Manuel Rabaté, director of Louvre Abu Dhabi.

According to the curator, this exhibition shows a more balanced image of the court of the Sun King.

“It gives a new image of Versailles, more balanced. Versailles is not only the palace for the feast but it is at the heart of exchanges between nations at that time” explained Hélène Delalex, heritage curator at the exhibition.

The Louvre Abu Dhabi was opened in 2017 by President Emmanuel Macron. It is the first branch of the famous Parisian museum to open outside France.

“For us this exhibition is a great way to exemplify how you can create connected histories of mutual understanding and curiosity”, concluded Manuel Rabaté, director of the Louvre Abu Dhabi.

The exhibition includes more than 100 masterpieces that are on display until the 4th of June in the capital of the United Arab Emirates.