Al-Shabaab burns villages on the outskirts of Bal’ad district in Middle Shabelle region


Sunday, January 30, 2022 (HOL) – Reports from Marere and Mukay Dheere villages in Bal’ad district of Middle Shabelle region say that the two villages were burnt by Al-Shabaab fighters.

Balad district commissioner Qasim Ali Nur said a large number of families from the two villages had arrived in Balad.

Marere village, about 5 km northeast of Balad district, was reportedly set on fire by Al-Shabaab fighters yesterday afternoon, while Mukay Dheere village was set on fire last Friday, according to the Balad district commissioner.

“The two villages of Mukay Dheere and Marere, which were burnt down by Al-Shabaab, are now in Balad district, where the displaced families are living. returned “said chairman Qasim Ali.

The district commissioner of Balad added that Al-Shabaab is now taking advantage of the government’s preoccupation with the election process which is leading to an increase in attacks on districts including Balad.
Jamal Ali Abdi, Hiiraan