Children die in fire at their home in Borama


Axad, Febraayo, 6, 2022 (HOL) – 3 caruur ah oo da’doodu u dhaxayso sannad ilaa 8 sanno jir, ayaa geeriyooday, kadib markii uu dab qabsaday gurigooda oo ku yaala magaalada Borama, ee gobolka Awdal ee Somaliland.

A total of 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, were killed and two girls died at the scene, while one boy died at the hospital from serious injuries.

The father of the children told the CBA broadcaster that he was away from home when the fire broke out.

He added: “While I was praying the noon prayer, I was told, ‘Praise be to God.’

The only surviving child of the four children caught in the blaze is being treated at Borama Hospital.

Abdilahi Geel-maal, Hiiraan