Jubaland elects last two MPs in Kismayo


KISMAYO (HOL) – Jubaland state MPs have today completed the election of the last two seats in Kismayo remaining 16 to be filled in Gerbaharey.

Mohamed Hassan Aden won the seat after his rival, Mohamud Ahmed Hassan withdrew from the race in the first seat. In the second seat, Roodo Arab Ali beat her rival Fadumo Abdi Ali by 78 votes to become the new MP in the state.

The State Indirect Elections Team (SIET) announced that week that elections in Gerbaharey will be held in two weeks but did not specify the timelines.

Meanwhile, HirShabelle state is electing two more MPs in Beletweyne today concluding the elections there. Ten seats remain to be filled in Jowhar.
HirShabelle and Jubaland are the only states which have not concluded the parliamentary process.