Explosion kills 10 soldiers in Balad, Golaley, Middle Shabelle region


Saturday, April 30, 2022 (HOL) – Additional information is emerging from a landmine explosion targeting a convoy of vehicles carrying Colonel Saney Abdulle, who was on his way to Jowhar town to attend. Election to be held in Jowhar today.

A landmine blast has occurred between the towns of Balad and Golaley in the Middle Shabelle region, killing at least 10 people, including Colonel Saney Abdulle’s bodyguards.

The bodies of the dead soldiers were taken to Jowhar town, while the wounded were returned to Mogadishu, although no official figures are available.

This is not the first time such an explosion has been targeted at Somali government officials traveling on the road between Mogadishu and Jowhar, where they are often targeted by ambushes and landmines. various losses.

In recent times, government officials and Hirshabelle have rarely traveled on the road between Jowhar and Mogadishu due to the security situation on the road, and Hirshabelle officials travel to and from Jowhar. get off the plane.

Jamal Ali Abdi, Hiiraan Onlinejamaal@hiiraan.com