The new speaker of the parliament takes office today


Saturday, April 30, 2022 (HOL) – The new speaker of Somalia’s lower house of parliament will take office today, presiding over the first session of parliament.

In a letter sent to lawmakers last night, they were told to arrive at the parliament building in Villa Hargeisa, where they will deliver speeches today by the interim speaker, the former speaker and the new speaker.

Last week, members of the Somali parliament elected a new speaker of parliament, leading to new changes to the lower house, which is seen as having an impact on the country’s leadership race.

Political campaigns in Mogadishu are at an all-time high, with presidential candidates vying for seats.

So far the coalition of candidates has managed to make an impact in the parliamentary elections, now scrambling to oust the country’s top leader as president.
Abdiweli M. Sheikh, Hiiraan Online