Why Taking in Refugees is a Win-Win Formula for the US


More than 3 million individuals have found a sense of belonging and safety in the US since the Refugee Act of 1980 established the refugee resettlement procedure. In every country, welcoming and helping refugees will incur early expenses to provide critical social services to prepare them for successful integration.

While a handful of studies indicate that resettling refugees in the US can cost around 15,000 dollars per person, the economic advantages of accepting refugees significantly surpass these initial expenses in the long run. Of course, there are strong humanitarian reasons to welcome refugees. However, this blog will look at a few advantages of taking in refugees and how they can help improve a country.

They Help Improve Local Productivity

Refugees tend to enhance productivity levels by stimulating the labor market and eventually starting new businesses in the years following their integration.

Experts predict that if at least a thousand refugees start local businesses, these organizations might earn up to $100 million annually, helping their host nations. In fact, when the more businesses these refugees set up, the more job opportunities locals will have.

They Help Enrich Local Culture

According to research from the International Institute in St. Louis, refugees boost cross-cultural understanding. It enables local residents to appreciate the cultural variety refugees bring from their home countries while recognizing shared values and beliefs.

What’s more, understanding other people’s cultures allows us to appreciate our world’s diverse population. While this might not be an economic benefit, it is worth considering when talking about the advantages of taking in refugees.

They Help Improve the Overall Economy

One of the reasons the US government accepts refugees is an increase in economic activity. In nations with an aging workforce, these refugees serve to bridge the generation gap and fill open positions.

Furthermore, they pay taxes, develop small and medium-sized businesses, and promote the economy. This is something that improves the US economy and brings new employment opportunities to locals. Plus, refugees that open businesses know how hard it is to live life to its fullest. So, when they see someone struggle, they quickly offer them employment opportunities, claiming that others would do the same for them.  

They Complement the Job Market

Contrary to popular belief, refugees don’t take away employment opportunities from locals. In fact, according to a US State Department analysis, refugees fill gaps left by others.

Education, transportation, tourism, retail, healthcare, and manufacturing are among the leading industries where refugees typically apply their trade. This is crucial as more and more countries are struggling with workforce shortages, let alone the US.

They Bring Unique Skills Sets and Knowledge

Every nation has civilians that make them unique and special. Refugees bring extraordinary technological, trade, and culinary skills that can help the local labor force better its total capabilities. These abilities can be shared with the local population to benefit the country’s economy.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the economic effect of refugees is critical for every country that accepts them. Of course, the US government must pay a one-time cost to cover basic essentials and services for persons starting a new life. However, such costs are outweighed by the economic advantages of taking in refugees. So, consider this the next time you think a refugee will take away your employment opportunities!