‘This is a big deal’: Columbus-area air quality alert to remain in effect Thursday


The Columbus Dispatch

Wildfire smoke from Canada continues to plague central Ohio with officials expecting it to continue Thursday and possibly into the weekend.

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, which issues air quality alerts, expects unhealthy category index levels for particulate matter on Thursday and possibly into the weekend, as well as unhealthy for sensitive groups index levels for ozone.

MORPC monitors the national Air Quality Index, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency measure that runs from 0 to 500, for both particulate matter and ozone. When levels reach above 100, air quality is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups, and MORPC issues an air quality alert. The commission uses the 24‐hour average of the expected levels throughout central Ohio for a given day. Wednesday’s alert was specifically for particulate matter.

MORPC issued an air quality alert that will extend into Thursday for central Ohio, encompassing Delaware, Franklin, Licking and Fairfield counties. The alert indicated the index would reach levels above 150 — which are considered “unhealthy” for all people.

Wednesday was the first time indexes in the region reached the unhealthy level since August 2003.

“This is a big deal,” said Kerstin Carr, the commission’s chief regional strategy officer.

When levels are deemed unhealthy, everyone is encouraged to limit “prolonged or strenuous outdoor activity,” according to MORPC.

MORPC expects unhealthy category index levels for particulate matter on Thursday and possibly into the weekend, as well as unhealthy for sensitive groups index levels for ozone.

Parts of Franklin County in the ‘very unhealthy’ zone

The air in parts of Columbus, Dublin, Upper Arlington, Worthington, Powell, Hilliard and Jerome reached the “very unhealthy” classification Wednesday morning, as shown on the AirNow interactive air quality map.

“Overall, the Columbus area meets the EPA’s air quality standards,” said Bob Hodanbosi, chief of the Ohio EPA’s air pollution control division. “Having it ‘very unhealthy’ is indeed unusual and rare.”

What does bad air mean for central Ohio?

When the Air Quality Index reaches the unhealthy for sensitive groups level, some people become more susceptible to respiratory illness. MORPC considers older adults, children and teens, people with lung disease and people who are active outdoors to be “sensitive groups.”

Symptoms of respiratory illnesses that can be caused by polluted air include the following, according to MORPC:

  • Irritation of the eyes, nose or throat
  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath

When the Air Quality Index reaches the unhealthy level, even healthy people are at greater risk of getting sick.

“With degree to which we’re seeing pollutants in the air, people who wouldn’t otherwise have symptoms start having more symptoms,” said Dr. Brad Gable, an emergency medicine physician for OhioHealth.

How wildfire smoke is affecting air quality across the country

The wildfire smoke is impacting big cities all throughout the Midwest. On Tuesday, Chicago and Detroit were slated first and second in the IQAir rankings for worst Air Quality Index levels. Cleveland and Indianapolis remained in the very unhealthy range on the AirNow map as of 2 p.m. Wednesday, while Milwaukee and Cincinnati were considered unhealthy.