Shame on Columbus school board for asking for more money, showing faces| Letters


Columbus schools should have to prove they deserve money

American’s are enduring the effects of persistent inflation. The cost of everything has gone up.  Everybody is worse off for it.

Union’s represented workers across many major industries have or are currently going on strike demanding significantly higher wages and benefits.

More:UAW strike 2023 against Detroit automakers: Updates, news from the picket sites

The high cost of gasoline and diesel fuels translates into higher input costs for all products. Most of the higher wages and input costs are passed onto the consumer. Electric bills have increased.  Now, the county is raising our property taxes.ADVERTISING

On top of all that, the Columbus City Schools has decided to put forward a levy on the November ballot.

More:Nearly $100 million Columbus City Schools levy campaign: ‘It’s about keeping our lights on’

Opinion:CCS levy a golden opportunity to give students ‘best classrooms money can buy’

Unfortunately, the recent Ohio Department of Education release of school district report card data shows that Columbus City Schools made no improvements over the previous school-year while actually declining in two of the measurements.

I suggest we incentivize the district with an offer for a future levy increase by setting a goal that they improve from the current 2-star rating to at least a 3-star rating.  Get the Columbus Conversation newsletter in your inbox.

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Once they achieve that, then they would deserve an increase. Let’s not forget that this is about student’s education.

Alan Bumgardner, Columbus

Don’t let the education oligarchy fool you

The Columbus school board should be ashamed to show their faces.

Voters are being asked to approve another large levy right on the heels of a state report card which grades the district not only as failing, but even worse that the catastrophic years before this.

When will the voters start to understand that we are being treated like patsies by the board, the superintendent and the teachers’ union.

Thomas Dugan:All eyes of Columbus are on prosecutors

Ours is one of the very worst performing districts in the United States of America.

Time after time the district has put up levies, each time promising progress and each time failing abysmally.

Leadership is more concerned with producing “inclusive structures” — in the words of the superintendent — and socially progressive policies, than with the fundamentals of a basic education.

The millions of dollars granted by the inattentive public are being wasted. Voters , save your money, educate your kids at home.

Don’t let the education oligarchy fool us once again.

Thomas Dugan, Columbus 

No excuse

Aug 9, 2023; Columbus, Ohio, U.S.;   Columbus City Schools Superintendent Angela Chapman.

I was saddened to read about the annual report card for Ohio’s public schools and Columbus City Schools’ slippage in some ratings. CCS has no excuse for this poor performance.

CCS is well funded and spends more money per student than other high cost cities such as Chicago and New York. What is more disappointing is the reaction of the CCS’s superintendent to this report.

She bragged about the “progress” the CCS made in the last couple of years. The superintendent and the board should concentrate their efforts on improving student performance and graduation rates instead of campaigning to pass the proposed levy. 

Are they spending wisely?

Perhaps the Columbus City Schools Board of Education should look at the optics of two decision

More:Why the Columbus schools board pulled a $175,000 contract to The Crew ahead of meeting

  • Proposing entering into a contract with the Columbus Crew whereby CCS would PAY the Crew $175,000 for the Crew to “equip students with the skills & knowledge they need to succeed academically.” No specifics mentioned as to what the soccer team would offer the district.
  • The school board is urging voters to back a $100 million levy. Board President Jennifer Adair said the district needs the permanent levy saying “it’s about keeping our lights on..” 

Letters:It wants more, but what has Columbus schools done with money we’ve given them?

Maybe some lights could be kept on if the Board didn’t GIVE away money for non-specified assistance from the Crew.

Spend wisely.