Ethiopian women donate food and blood in support of defense forces


Women from Addis Ababa gather to provide food and other items for the Ethiopian National Defense Force, also donating blood for soldiers injured in the war.

Tigray forces launched a recent offensive and are approaching the capital Addis Ababa to press Ahmed to step aside and lift a deadly months-long blockade which has cut off food, medicine and other aid from the region of around 6 million people and left hundreds of thousands of people facing famine.

“This event was organized to show women’s support for our defense force by providing them food items and women would be willing to go as far as the battlefield to help guard the National Defense Force soldiers,” said Mekdim Mekuria, event organizer.

The ongoing war has led to thousands of deaths and injuries, especially among the frontline personnel.

Hundreds of women showed up for the initiative to donate blood to help those injured from the ongoing Oromo, Tigray war in Ethiopia.-

“I am donating blood to the injured soldiers so that the blood that we can give our blood to those who spilled their blood in combat. I swear to Allah, I am delighted to donate my blood,” said Medena Assefa, Resident of Addis Ababa.

The group also donated a number of foodstuffs and other medicine to help those directly affected by the war.

The United Nations had indicated that millions of Ethiopians face starvation due to the disruption of food supplies.

“Around 1.5 million ETB worth of food and non-food items were supplied for the Ethiopian National Defense Force who are struggling for us,” said Birhanu Abera, head of Prosperity Party in the city.

The war in Africa’s second-most populous country has killed thousands of people and displaced millions. Now the Tigray forces who dominated the national government for 27 years before a political falling-out with Abiy, the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner, are approaching Ethiopia’s capital.