Embarrassing! Malawi Justice Minister flies to Geneva to attend virtual meeting, addresses empty chairs

LILONGWE (MalawiTalk) – Justice Minister Titus Mvalo is apparently in Geneva, Switzerland, to address a Group 7 team even though the meeting was meant to be virtual.

LILONGWE (MalawiTalk) – Justice Minister Titus Mvalo is apparently in Geneva, Switzerland, to address a Group 7 team even though the meeting was meant to be virtual.

Social media has lambasted Mvalo, saying he his appetite of pocketing allowances have seen him flying to a meeting he was supposed to be part through virtual means.

All delegates to the meeting are in their countries participating either through Zoom technologies or video conferencing.

But Malawi Minister is right there in Geneva, alone in the conference addressing delegates he can only see on video.

In his address,  Mvalo said Malawi is a firm believer in multilateralism and as a member of the Human Rights Council and therefore shall uphold and protect fundamental international human rights, values and system.

Said Mvalo: “All nations large and small, powerful and not so powerful should enjoy equal treatment as we shape the United Nations that we want.”

On Malawi situation, Mvalo said Covid-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerable groups of Malawians.

He said the government is assessing the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the health, education, economy and the labour market in Malawi to identify reforms that government could undertake to stimulate the economy and protect livelihoods.

“Several policy recommendations including: the need to enhance interventions towards social protection programmes and other fiscal bailouts targeting workers and small-scale businesses in the informal economy, cash transfers, providing support to people with underlying health conditions such as HIV/AIDS, and implementing labour market reforms have been proposed,” said the minister.