The New American Leadership Academy


The New American Leadership Academy (NALA), is a program within the Department of Neighborhoods, and is a leadership and profes-sional development pro-gram focused on civic engagement for our New American residents.
Participants will receive mentorship, professional development and cover topics such as government
civic responsibility, and implicit bias. The Acad-emy selects individuals who are ready to grow and enhance their knowledge of civic engagement, com-munity stewardship, lead-ership, and discover new ways to contribute to our community.
Knowledge gained as a result of the program will equip participants with the skills needed to empower their communities in a culturally appropriate man-ner. NALA provides op-portunities to:
 Receive lectures and presentations on local government, public policy, and neighbor-hood and community leadership
 Engage in a service project that reflects the skills learned in the program
 Engage with commu-nity and government leaders

By the end of the acad-emy, participants will have gained the skills necessary to navigate local govern-ments and, in turn, help not only themselves and their professional development but, empower their com-munities to do the same. The academy is open to all qualified appli-cants 18 years or older with a high school diploma or equivalent.