Farmaajo sacks AG Dahir, appoints High Judge Mohamud as new AG


MOGADISHU (HOL) – Somali Attor-ney General Ahmed Ali Dahir was Monday re-lieved of his duties after close to six years as the government’s chief legal adviser.
Villa Somalia released a statement Monday an-nouncing Dahir’s departure and the appointment of a new AG. Suleiman Mo-hamed Mohamud who has been serving as a high court judge since Decem-ber 2018 is the new Attor-ney General.
Mohamud was among the four judges appointed to the High Court in De-cember 2018 by President Farmaajo. Villa Somalia said the sacking of Dahir was based on recommen-dations from Chief Justice Baashe Yusuf Ahmed.
The changes, Villa So-malia said were meant to ‘accelerate judicial reforms and ensure a more trans-parent justice system throughout the country.’ Dahir came to office in July 2014 when Somalia filed the maritime case against Kenya in the Inter-national Court of Justice and led the legal team which achieved its first victory in February 2016 when the UN court ruled it had jurisdiction over the case.
Kenya had argued the ICJ did not have the man-date to entertain the case.