John Rutan, GOP county prosecutor nominee, slams ‘stolen’ elections, Dem opponent and more


Unopposed Republican John Rutan, a local defense attorney who will face Democratic nominee Shayla Favor for Franklin County prosecutor in November, said that unlike Favor, he has “integrity and actual criminal justice experience.”

“I don’t care who I am running against because all three of those (Democratic primary) candidates combined do not offer what I do for the community,” Rutan told The Dispatch. “If anything, I am discouraged (by Favor’s win) because it shows me how ill-informed the public really is due to the crooked media.”

In two long emails sent the day after the primary election in response to Dispatch questions, Rutan criticized Favor and alleged that Franklin County elections are “stolen.” He also made multiple assertions without solicitation about the 9/11 attacks, elites, former president Donald Trump — who Rutan said is a member of the elite — and other topics.

Rutan criticizes Shayla Favor

Rutan said he is an advocate for bail reform that secures court appearances from defendants without draining someone’s savings so they can defend themselves. He said he is the “only candidate that will treat everyone equally as God intended.”

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He called Favor an “opportunist” and criticized her for announcing her run for prosecutor right after winning reelection to Columbus City Council.

“She is confused about what office she is running for. All her ideas are applicable to city counsel (sic), not county prosecutors. Her making it (winning Tuesday’s primary election) is an insult to our profession. It demeans the seriousness of this position. No trial experience is historic,” Rutan said.

John Rutan and Shayla Favor answers questions from the audience during a debate among candidates running for Franklin County Prosecutor in January.

Favor, who worked in the environmental division of the Columbus City Attorney’s office dealing with such things as nuisance properties for five years before she joined City Council, also drew criticism from fellow Democratic candidates during the primary for a lack of experience prosecuting felony cases. She has said the elected prosecutor’s role is broader than just trying cases.

Rutan claims elections are ‘stolen’

Rutan said he believes elections have been stolen nationwide and in Franklin County. He said he would win “by a landslide” in November if this election is fair.

“I don’t feel Franklin County is a Democratic stronghold. I feel elections have been stolen, which gives the public that perception,” Rutan said.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in national elections or Franklin County elections, which are administered by a bipartisan team of Republicans and Democrats at the county board. Asked by The Dispatch about Rutan’s comments, the Franklin County Board of Elections declined to comment.

Favor told The Dispatch that she is “confident that our elections are not being stolen.”

Rutan contends there is a “fake democracy” in this country.

“Why do people still believe 9/11 was done by the Muslims where I bet my life it was done by the elite. I can prove that as well. I am a man that knows people lie, but facts don’t.”

Rutan also criticized Trump, saying the Republican nominee for president is among the “elite” and a “Trojan horse for the Democratic party.” “

The former president “made voters more emotional than intellectual,” he said.

The Franklin County Republican Party endorsed John Rutan for county prosecutor. Rutan and Favor will face off in the Nov. 5 general election.