Ohio is no longer safe for trans kids. Mike Dewine left them out of the address


During his State of the State last week, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine focused on the future of Ohio for our youth, encouraging lawmakers to take strides and invest in resources for children.

From noting ongoing problems with tobacco and cannabis to discussing infant mortality to touting the critical need for mental health services for youth, DeWine touched upon many subjects.

However, I must note that he pointedly did not mention the importance of gender-affirming care and mental health support for transgender and gender non-confirming youth, whose rights have consistently been under attack.

DeWine cannot claim to be committed to the future of Ohio’s children while allowing harmful, discriminatory laws and regulations to restrict care for a vulnerable minority.

As a father, I want the best for my children: a safe place for them to live, opportunities to learn and grow, and a supportive community. Moreover, as the father of a trans child, I understand the critical need for community care and support.

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After moving to several states, I, my trans daughter and our family settled in Ohio because we believed it would be a safe place for her. Yet now her rights are in jeopardy and we are face-to-face with the decision of staying or leaving the state to protect her. Supporting our youth is imperative, but when we discuss our children, we need to include all children.