Riots of 1970: A volatile, deadly spring

APRIL 30, 1970: An Ohio State student throws a tear gas canister back at the police. [File photo]
NOV. 1, 1970: About 4,000 protestors massed at the west side of the Statehouse to hear speakers attack American Vietnam policy, and assail an Ohio grand jury's indictment of persons involved in the spring's riots at Kent State University. [File photo]
MAY 22, 1970: Columbus Fire Department Safety Director James Hughes, far left, looks on as firefighters demonstrate a water cannon -- technically a multiversal nozzle -- for possible use in riot control. [File photo]
APRIL 30, 1970: Ohio National Guardsmen drag a demonstrator across the Oval at Ohio State. The youth was among about 1,000 students forced from the administration building area. [File photo]
APRIL 30, 1970: Ohio National Guardsmen sweep High Street on the Ohio State campus after a day of antiwar protests and riots. [File photo]
APRIL 30, 1970: Police, surrounded by empty canisters, dispense tear gas from an ambulance cruiser on the Ohio State campus. [File photo]
APRIL 30, 1970: Police patrol the intersection of High Street and 17th Avenue on the Ohio State campus. [File photo]
MAY 28, 1970: Ohio National Guardsmen charge the Ohio State campus at 15th Avenue and High Street. [File photo]
MAY 1, 1970: Tear gas is used to clear the Ohio State Oval as police officers and guardsmen arrest a student. [File photo]
Joseph Darragh sits with his son Robert Darragh after he was shot during the April 1970 riots at Ohio State University. [File photo]
Ronald Cade, left, and lawyer William Kunstler. Cade is the first student charged in the April demonstrations at Ohio State University to win acquittal. [File photo]
MAY 1970: Demonstrators protest as Ohio State ROTC cadets parade at during a ceremony on campus. [File photo]
MAY 4, 1970: Students shout and throw back tear gas canisters as Ohio National Guardsmen gather on the far end of the Commons, near the burned-out ROTC building. The university power plant is visible next to the smokestack. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: The ROTC building at Kent State lies in ruin, burned to the ground during unrest on May 2. As a result, the Ohio National Guard was sent directly from duty at a truckers' strike to restore order at the 18,000-student Kent State campus. [Howard E. Ruffner | plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: Defiant students shout and throw back tear gas canisters at Kent State, as Ohio National Guardsmen gather on the far end of the Commons, near the burned-out ROTC building. This picture was one of hundreds of plaintiff's exhibits in a 7-year civil suit. [File photo]
MAY 4, 1970 : Students protesting the American "incursion" into Cambodia, marking an official widening of the war in Southeast Asia. Timing of this photo is before the Ohio National Guardsmen began a 13-second volley of M-1 rounds into the crowd. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
May 4, 1970: Kent State students run for cover as the Ohio National Guard opens fire. Four students were killed and nine were wounded. [Akron Beacon Journal, Paul Tople/File]
The Ohio National Guard opens fire on students at Kent State. Four students were killed and nine were wounded. [Akron Beacon Journal, Paul Tople/File]
MAY 4, 1970. Ohio National Guard is shown in ready position, in full riot gear. Tear gas launcher is held by one soldier on the right. [Howard E. Ruffner/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: Kent State student John Cleary receives first aid where he fell about 50 feet from where the Ohio National Guards fired their M-1 rifles into a crowd of students. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 1970: Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes (with hands on book) addressing the press after the shootings at Kent State. In a May 2000 interview, Rhodes, then 90, said the killings of four students and wounding of nine others "just happened. No one plans a train wreck, either." [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: Students gather near Blanket Hill immediately before Ohio National Guardsmen marched up the hill from the left to disperse them. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970. A member of Ohio National Guard Troop G prepares to throw a tear gas grenade at students demonstrating during a change of classes.[File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: The Ohio National Guard atop Blanket Hill immediately before the shooting began. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: Ohio National Guard Major Jones confers with a group of National Guardsmen outside the Taylor Hall Journalism Building atop Blanket Hill. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: In this Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, 14-year-old Mary Ann Vecchio cries over the body of Jeffrey Miller, one of four students killed when the Ohio National Guard open fire on the students.
MAY 4, 1970: Ohio National Guard troops, including members of Troop G believed to be involved in the shootings, gather on the soccer field next to the shooting site. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: Ohio National Guard troops guard the body of slain student Jeffrey Miller. In the background, students gather around a wounded student. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970: Kent State students rush for cover as bullets rain down on them from Blanket Hill. In the background, next to the light pole, one student is jumping up as a bullet ricochets under his feet. [File photo/plaintiff's exhibit]
MAY 4, 1970
MAY 4, 1970: The Ohio National Guard fire tear gas to disperse the crowd of students gathered on the commons. [Kent State University/File photo]
MAY 4, 1970: Students and faculty marshals render first aid to a wounded student as they await an ambulance. [Howard Ruffner/plaintiff's exhibit]
This sign was posted around campus for two weeks in 1970 when the school was closed following the Kent State shootings. [File photo]
MAY 4, 1970: Guardsmen watch as students gather in the commons late in the morning. [Courtesy of Kent State University]
MAY 4, 1970: A student lies wounded as others try to help after the shootings at Kent State. [File photo]
Kent State student Alan Canfora was wearing this jacket on May 4, 1970, when he was struck by a bullet fired by an Ohio National Guardsman. The bullet hole is seen in the cuff. [File photo]
MAY 4, 1995: Mary Ann Vecchio-Gillium, left, hugs Elaine Holstein, right, during memorial services at Kent State. Vecchio-Gillium was photographed over the body of Holstein's son, Jeffrey Miller. [File photo]
MAY 4, 1970: Student Terry Norman talks to an Ohio National Guardsman. Norman claimed he was attacked by protestors who were angry that he was photographing them. [Kent State University Libraries/File photo]