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The Richest Person In The World Just Gave $98.5 Million To Help The Homeless


Angel Au-Yeung
Forbes Staff
Jeff Bezos, the richest person in the world, an-nounced on Thursday he has donated $98.5 million to 32 organizations in 23 states that are helping homeless families. The gifts to each organization received ranged from $1.25 million to $5 million.
The Amazon founder and CEO gave the money through his Bezos Day One Fund, which he announced in September 2018. At launch, Bezos pledged $2 billion to the fund, which has two areas of focus: funding the work of organi-zations who help homeless families, and creating Mon-tessori-inspired preschools across the country.
Last year Bezos gave $97.5 million to organiza-tions fighting homelessness to 24 organizations in 16 states. This year Bezos donated an extra million to the cause and increased the number of recipients, which span from Maryland and New York to Alaska and Hawaii.
While Bezos has posted on Instagram several times in the last year about visit-ing Montessori-inspired schools, no official an-nouncement has been made regarding the Bezos Day One Fund’s progress on creating a network of pre-schools. According to the Bezos Day One Fund’s website, the Day 1 Acad-emies Fund is currently hiring. ■
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) ASSOCIATED PRESS

U Codee Rob Dorans Xubin Guddiga Magaalada


Rob Dorans waxaa loo magacaabay xubinnimada guddiga ma-gaalada bishii labaad ee Sannadkan. Asagoo yar oo arday ah ayuu billaabay in uu bulshada u shaqeeyo, markuu ardayga ahaa wuxuu ka qayb qaatey diiwaan gelinta codadka ardada Jaamacadda.
Rob waa nin aaminsan in bulshada si iskaa wax u qabso ah loola shaqeeyo marka aad waqti hayso. Waa qareen, waqtiyada qaarkoodna caawiya bulshada taagta daran oo aan kharash u hayn in ay Qareen qabsadaan. Mr, Rob Dorans wuxuu#

madax ka yahay guddiga Korontada, Biyaha iyo Bullaacadaha (public utili-ties) ee magaalada Colum-bus.
Waa nin aaminsan in dowladda ay gargaarto qoysaska danta yar inta ay ka soo kabanayaan dhaqaale ahaan, Sida

nafaqeynta haweenka iyo dhallaanka (WIC) iyo kaararka raashinka Cayrta oo isagoo yar lagu caawi-yey qoyskooda. Waa Qareen ka qalin jabiyey Jamacadda Ohio Universty ee Toledo. Xaaskiisana waxaa la yiraahdaa Drs. Lauren Dorans waxay ku nool yihiin Italian Village.
Mar Wargayska Somali Link waydiiyey sida uu u taageerayo Xaafiisyada Soomaaliyeed ee ku howlan u adeega dad-kooda oo dhaqaale la’aani soo foodsaartay wuxuu yiri “Waxaan doonayaa in aan la shaqeeyo madaxda Soomaalida ee u adeega Soomaalida, kana caawiyo sidii ay dhaqaale uga heli lahaayeen dakhliga ma-gaalada”.

Students at Hilliard’s Sunrise Academy show community about Muslims


By Danae King The Columbus Dispatch
In seeking a STEM des-ignation from the state, Sunrise Academy in Hil-liard has started students on project-based learning. One project has second- and third graders working on how to show people more about Muslims and who they are. Eight-year-old Yusuf Adnan wants people to know that Mus-lims aren’t terrorists.
The third-grader at-tends Sunrise Academy in Hilliard, a full-time Islamic school that is working its way toward a statewide STEM (science, technol-ogy, engineering and math) designation this year by employing project-based learning.
Yusuf and his class are working on a project called “Behind the Picket Fence,” during which they will work to find ways to let central Ohio inside the fence that surrounds Sun-rise Academy.
One of the activities was to come up with a list to answer the question, “What should our commu-nity know about us?” Hanging up in the class-room, written on a large piece of lined paper in neat teacher’s print, were an-swers from students such as “We’re proud to be Muslim,” “We don’t steal or kill,” “We’re smart” and “We’re kind people.”
Yusuf said it makes him feel sad when he hears that people think Muslims like him and his family are terrorists. “We respect oth-ers,” he said. “If you don’t like us, that’s OK, but if you do, you would really like that.”
Project-based learning is a teaching method in which students are actively engaged in their learning through projects, said Sun-rise Academy Principal Mona Salti. They identify a “real-world” problem and then look for a solu-tion, while teachers facili-tate their work and make sure the school is still meeting state standards.
“We really wanted our students to begin to learn in a critical way and be invested in their learning,” Salti said. “We’re trying to move away from the tradi-tional approach … where it’s teacher-focused. “A good project can be trans-formative to students,” she said.
Project-based learning is a key component of good STEM education, said Wes Hall, interim senior vice president for philanthropy and education at Battelle, which manages the Ohio STEM Learning Net-work that gives the designation.
“Students are applying a problem from the commu-nity and trying to solve it in the classroom, so they’ll
have real-world context,” Hall said. There are 69 schools in the state with the STEM designation, and more are in the process, he said.
If Sunrise Academy gets the designation, it would be the first Islamic school in the state to have it, Hall said. While second- and third-graders are working to show community mem-bers what Sunrise is all about, the fifth-graders decided their school lunches were a problem, said Salti, and they set out to fix them.
“It’s very much student-led,” she said, of the pro-ject they’re working on. “It’s extremely hands-on and allows you deeper thinking, critical thinking.” The students have been researching nutrition, call-ing vendors and even took a field trip to another pri-vate school to see what their lunch options are like, she said.
“Kids are actually taking the initiative and solving it,” said Leanna Yacoub, director of kindergarten through fifth grade at Sun-rise. Sixth- through ninth-graders are working to make the school green, and they plan to create a recy-cling and composting pro-gram to reduce waste.
Though this is the first year the school has started doing project-based learn-

GUDDIGA Habraaca Galmudug Oo La Soo Saaray


Guddiga Farsamada maamul u sameynta Galmudug ayaa soo saaray hab raaca dhismaha maamulka iyo xilligga ugu danbeeya ee la dooranayo madax-weynaha iyo ku-xigeenkiisa. Guddigan oo ay magacoowday Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa shaaciyey inay bilaaban doonaan xulista xildhibaannada cusub ee Galmudug 29-ka bisha November halka doorashada mad-axweynaha iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa ay dha-ceyso 17 ilaa 23-ka December.
Hab raacan ayaa soo baxay xilli wali mas’uuliyiinta maamulka Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca ka biyo diidan yihiin sida dowladda Soomaaliya u wajaheyso dhis-maha mamulka iyadoo aan laga heshiin qoddobo dhowr ah oo leysku hayo.
Akhriso Qoraalka ka soo baxay gud-diga :-

1400 oo Sano Ka Hor, Ayey Islaamku Siisay Dumarka Xaquuqdoodii.


Nin walba oo macno leh waxaa ku tiirsan haweenay qiimo leh. (Beside every great man there’s a great woman). Dadoow waxaan idinka abuuray lab iyo dhaddig, waxaana idinka yeelay shucuub iyo qabiilooyin si aad isu aqoonsataan, Ruuxa ugu sharafta badan Eebe agtiisa waa ka idi-inku dhawrsiga badan, Eebana wax walba waa og yahay.
Aayadan waxaaan ka fahmeynaa in ruux walba inta uu ka taqwo ama uu ka Alle cabsi badan yahay ruuxa kale ka karaama badan yahay Alle agtiisa. karaamada Alle uu siiyo adoomadiisa kuma xinra qolo, midab ama jinsi rag iyo haween Alle waa u siman yihiin. Balse marka ay noqoto nolosha adduunyada iyo mas’uuli-yadaha qolo walba saaran waa lagu kala duwan ya-hay sida jinsi ahaanba ay ragga iyo haweenku uu kala duwan yihiin.
Waxaan kula talinayaa Culumada iyo Haweenka Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan in doodaha dhex maraya ay ku saleys-naadaan diinta ee aysan noqon mid dhaqan la xiriira ama aragti laga keenay dibada.
Haweenka Soomaaliy-eed Waxaan Dhihi La-haa: Marka hore xusuus-naada Culumadu waxay wadaan waa dhaxalkii Anbiyada, ”Al-‘culema-u warasatul anbiyaa”, the scholar’s (Culema) are the inheritors of the Prophets. Waa dhici kartaa culu-mada qaarkood in bii’addu saameyn ku yeelato, si aad u garataan oo u fahamtaan dooda culumada intee waafaqsan diinta inteese ka baxsan waxaan idin kula talinayaa inaad diinta barataan, sida taariikhda ku xusan gabdhuhu waxay diinta bareen culumo waaweyn oo uu ka mid ahaa Ibn Taymiyah.
Waa in Haween ahaan aad iska ilaalisan inaad qaadataan wax aan diinta Islaamka waafaqsanayn oo ay dhici karto in dano kale laga leeyahay, doodiinu mar walba ha ku saleysnaato arrinta laga doodayo Alle iyo Rasuulkiisa Muxamed (NNKH) maxay ka dha-heen, waa inuusan marjaca la xiganayo ama tixraacu noqon United Nation (UN)-ka iyo Beesha Caalamku maxay ka dhaheen. Xuquuqda uu UN-ku leeyahay ha la siiyo haweenka adduunka in ka badan ayaa diinta Islaamku idin siisay 1400 oo sano ka hor, kaliya ha la iska illaaliyo wixii di-inteena Islaamka ka hori-maanaya oo aan waafaqsanayn.

Culumada Soomaaliy-eed Waxaan Dhihi La-haa.
Waa in aad iska ilaali-saan in haweenku idiin arkaan kuwo iyaga ka soo horjeeda, waa inaad kas-bataan gabdhaha, una doo-daan xuquuqdooda waqti walba, waa in si gaar ah loo ixtiraamo gabdhaha, maadaama ay laf-dhabar u yihiin dacwada Islaamka, ayna yihiin kuwa bixiya dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee dacwada lagu bixiyo meel kasta oo ay joogaan, habeen iyo maalinna ay u taagan yi-hiin inay diinta baraan caruurtooda iyaga oo haya shaqooyin badan oo ay ahayd in raggu ay la qab-taan raggu.
Waxaan Culumada Soomaaliyed meel kasta oo ay joogaanba u soo jeedin lahaa sida ay u bar-teen diinta si la mid ah inay u bartaan dabeecadi-hii, akhlaaqdii iyo naxari-istii badnayd ee Rasu-ulkeenii Suubanaa Nabi Muxamed (NNKH). Waa in Culumadu qabtaan ku-lamo badan oo u gaar ah ragga oo lagala hadlayo ragga masuu’liyadaha ay dayaceen, wax badan yaan maqlaa barnaamijyo u gaar ah haweenka sida (Women in Islam), waxaan qabaa in hadda aad loogu baahan yahay kuwo u gaar ah ragga sida (Men in Islam), maxaa yeelay waa halkaas meesha aan hadda ka day-acanahay oo mushki-ladu naga haysato.
Hadii aan u soo laabto haweenka, guud ahaan sida taariikhda ku xusan meel walba oo dunida ah waa ay ku dul-manaayeen, welina inta badan way dulman yihiin, haddii aad fiiriso qaab nololeedka haweenka reer galbeedka ah, shalay way dulmanaayen oo waxaa loo diiday fikirkoodii, xorriyadoodii iyo xuquu-qdoodii intaba illaa laga soo gaaro qarnigii 18-aad. Xilligii kacaankii warsha-daha, waqtigaa iyada ah waxaa loo ogolaaday shaqada oo kaliya balse siyaasadda iyo dhaqaalaha weli way ku xiqirnaayen oo ragga kaliya ayaa loo ogolaa.

Hadda oo la yiri waxaad tihiin xorna mar kale ayaa la dulmiyay oo waxaa laga dhaadhiciyay in ay u labis-taan oo gashadaan dhar gaagaaban,oo u muuqda in ay qaawan yihiin, waxaa la yiri waa in ay is caateeyaan ama is dhud-huubaan si quruxdooda loo arko, guurka dib u dhigtaan, carruur badan aysan dhallin IWM.
Waa in haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay bartaan diintooda Islaamka oo siisay xuquuqdooda 1400 oo sano ka hor, Soomaaliya uma baahna kala qeybsanaan kale oo la dhex dhigo dumarka iyo ragga. Diinta Islaamka oo kaliya ayaa haweenka siisay xuquuq aan la xaqiri karin, xuquuq la mid ah tan ragga, ku dhiiri galisa haweenka in ay qayb weyn ku laha-daan horumarka bulshada haddey ahaan lahayd Hooyo, Bar-baariye, Macalin, Doctor, Siyaassi iyo xirfadaha kale ee loo baahan yahay.
Ugu danbeyn, waxaan la hadlayaa waa ragga Soomaaliyeed, sida aad og tihiin wax badan ayaa naga halaabey, hal dhinac oo noo fiyoow oo aan ku badbaadnay maanta waxay tahay waxaa Alle na siiyay gabdho qurux badan, qiimo badan, oo karti iyo haybad Illaahay u dhamaystirey, waxaa la oran karaa gabdhaha Soomaalidu waa gabdhaha caalamka ugu kartida badan, gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed waa gab-dhihii u soo baxay markii adduunka daafihiisa qaxooti lagu kala noqday dadkoodii iyo qoysas-koodii. Maalintaas qoyskii ugu yaraan hal gabar di-badda u soo jirtey wuu badbaadey, qoyskii toban wiil u soo maqnaayeenna waxay dadkoodii halis u noqdeen in ay baahi u dhammaadaan. Sannaddi-hii la soo dhaafey haddii aysan gabar jirin qoysas badan oo Soomaali ah waa loo yaabi lahaa. Ha loo sama falo Gabdhaha xu-quuqda uu Alle siiyayna yaan la dayicin, Alle SWT dhagarta cadawga ha naga hayo. Aamin ■

No Easy Mark: Female Bodybuilder, 82, clobbers intruder

Willie Murphy

By The Associated Press
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) An intruder didn’t count on an 82-year-old woman living alone being an award-winning body-builder with nerves of steel.
Willie Murphy was get-ting ready for bed Thurs-day at her home in Roches-ter, New York, when a man pounded on the door and said he needed an ambu-lance, Murphy told WHAM. She called police but wouldn’t open the door. Then, she said, the man broke in and skulked through the dark house.‘He picked the wrong house to break into,’ Murphy said. She clobbered him with a table, poured shampoo in his face and was beating him with a broom when police arrived.
‘I was whaling on that man,’ Murphy told the De-mocrat and Chronicle. ″Cause I said to myself, ’If it’s my time to go to hell, I’m taking him with me!″ The man got his ambulance ride, after all. He was sent to a hospital, and police tweeted a selfie with Mur-phy, calling her ‘tough as nails.’
Murphy works out al-most daily at Rochester’s Maplewood YMCA and said she can deadlift 225 pounds” more than twice her weight. She can do one-handed pullups and one-handed pushups. She won the World Natural Power-lifting Federation Lifter of the Year award in 2014.
‘She really helps dispel the myths of aging,’ said Michelle LeBoo, a program coordinator at the Maple-wood YMCA. Murphy is ‘a strong, beautiful woman’ who does things ‘for the benefit of others,’ LeBoo said. Murphy said she hopes her story inspires people of all ages. ♥

Farmaajo sacks AG Dahir, appoints High Judge Mohamud as new AG


MOGADISHU (HOL) – Somali Attor-ney General Ahmed Ali Dahir was Monday re-lieved of his duties after close to six years as the government’s chief legal adviser.
Villa Somalia released a statement Monday an-nouncing Dahir’s departure and the appointment of a new AG. Suleiman Mo-hamed Mohamud who has been serving as a high court judge since Decem-ber 2018 is the new Attor-ney General.
Mohamud was among the four judges appointed to the High Court in De-cember 2018 by President Farmaajo. Villa Somalia said the sacking of Dahir was based on recommen-dations from Chief Justice Baashe Yusuf Ahmed.
The changes, Villa So-malia said were meant to ‘accelerate judicial reforms and ensure a more trans-parent justice system throughout the country.’ Dahir came to office in July 2014 when Somalia filed the maritime case against Kenya in the Inter-national Court of Justice and led the legal team which achieved its first victory in February 2016 when the UN court ruled it had jurisdiction over the case.
Kenya had argued the ICJ did not have the man-date to entertain the case.

$25 million plan aimed at improving housing, business and health in Linden


A new $25 million initiative is aimed at creating better afford-able housing and paying for more medical ser-vices and loans in Lin-den. A new $25 million plan is designed to ac-quire and preserve af-fordable housing in Lin-den while paying for business microloans and health services in a neighborhood that con-tinues to struggle in a growing city.
It sounds like a lot of money. But in terms of the neighborhood’s needs, it really isn’t, said Lawrence Calloway, who leads the South Linden Area Commis-sion. “It’s what you do with it,” Calloway said. “We have to start somewhere.”
The 614 for Linden plan was rolled out by local officials Monday at St. Stephen’s Community House in Linden. The money is to be used to address four of 10 ideas that came out of the city’s One Linden community plan released last year.
Money from this new effort will be used to ac-quire and rehabilitate about 500 affordable housing units, and possibly build new homes. It also will be used to help house 200 individuals and families who are either homeless or at risk of becoming home-less.
The funds also will be used to pay for consulting services and microloans to small businesses and entre-preneurs, and for health services, including prenatal and maternal services, as well as access to healthy food.
The local collaborative leading the effort won a $5 million grant from JP Mor-gan Chase’s Partnerships for Raising Opportunity in Neighborhoods initiative, a five-year, $125 million national effort to provide money to help resurrect neighborhoods. Columbus was one of seven winners of a grant. JPMorgan Chase received 75 applica-tions covering 49 cities.
“By many measures, Columbus is thriving,” said Corrine Burger, a managing director at JPMorgan Chase. “But opportunities are not reaching all parts of the city.”
The remaining $20 mil-lion will be used in a loan pool that the Ohio Capital Finance Corporation, an affiliate of the Ohio Capi-tal Corporation for Hous-ing, will develop with three others: the Afford-able Housing Trust of Columbus and Franklin County, the Finance Fund and the Economic Commu-nity Development Institute.
The affordable housing trust will provide $11 mil-lion of that amount over five years, said Steve Glad-man, the trust’s president. Gladman hopes that will leverage more investment in the neighborhood.
Six nonprofits involved in The 614 for Linden are St. Stephen’s Community House, Community Devel-opment for All People, Healthy Neighborhoods Healthy Families, the Af-fordable Housing Alliance of Central Ohio, the Com-munity Shelter Board and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
“The city alone could not do all of the work that is necessary to meet those goals,” Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther said. Angela Mingo, Nationwide Children’s community rela-tions director, said the dol-lars are being used essen-tially as seed money to leverage more money for Linden.
Nick Jones is the director of the Healthy Neighbor-hoods Healthy Families hospital initiative that was created in 2008 to provide better affordable housing on the South Side. He said the Linden effort will build on the initiative’s work.
John Edgar, executive director of Community Development for All Peo-ple, said money could be used not only for home repairs also for new homes. His nonprofit group has worked with the hospital, the city and others to rede-velop and build housing on the South Side.
According to the One Linden plan, home owner-ship in Linden declined from 63% in 1980 to 37% in 2015. Meanwhile, the percentage of families liv-ing in poverty, according to federal standards, increased from 31% in 1990 to 43% in 2015.
Calloway said Linden leaders and residents must be at the table to carry out this effort. Alison Goebel, executive director of the Greater Ohio Policy Cen-ter, said her group will be monitoring The 614 for Linden effort to make sure it achieves what it is setting out to do. “It’s one thing to check boxes. It’s another to transform a neighborhood,” Goebel said.

U Codee Elizabeth Brown


Elizabeth Brown, oo ah gabadhuu dhalay Senatar Brown, waa senatorka Ohio ugu jira Dowladda Federalka ah, ayaa ka mid ah dadka u tartamaya maamulka magaalada Columbus bisha November 5-deeda. Soomaalida ku nool Columbus Ohio waxay magaalada Columbus soo galiyaan lacag aad u fara badan. Dhammaantoodna waxay baxshaan

Soomaalida Columbus ooTaageertey Morgan Harper


Ka bilow bidix safka hore: Cabdullaahi Boss, Nuur Duubow, Sowda Faarax, Cumar Ibraahim. Bidix istaag: Cumar Maxamed Muse, Morgan Harper, Cabdi Geeseey, Aaden Faarax (Black), Cali Xasan, Sahra Qaylaweyne.
Bisha Maarso ee sannadka nagu soo foolka leh ee 2020, waxaa loo dareerayaa doorasho lagu dooranayo ciddii Aqalka Hoose (Congress) xaafada saddexaad uga soo gali lahaa. Xaafada saddexaad waxay dhacdaa laga bi-laabo bartamaha magaal-ada Columbus illaa Morse road, Northern Lights, Gahana, Easton Mall, Grove City, Blacklick etc.
Xaafaddan saddexaad ayaa ah xaafada dadka Soomaalidu ugu degaan badan yihiin, waxaana hadda matasha Joyce

Beatty oo aan wax xiriir ah la lahayn dadka Soomaalida ah ee deggan xaafadeeda. Cab-diraxmaan Ducaale oo u shaqeeya degmada Frank-lin County, ahna dadka siyaasadda magaaladan sida aad ka ah ugu dhuun-daloola ayaa wuxuu yiri “Lixdii sano ee ay Joyce Beatty matalaysey dadka Soomaalida ah ee ku nool xaafadeeda, ma maqal wax ay u qabatey haba yaraaree”. Cabdiraxmaan oo arrintaas ka sii had-layana wuxuu sheegay in

aysan qof Soomaali ah shaqo siin, wax xiriir ahna la lahayn Soomaalida deg-gan Xaafadeeda. Cabdirax-maan intaas kagama harin ee wuxuu yiri “Waxaan maqley waxay wadataa oo wax ka maqashaa nin la yiraahdo Burhaan Axmed oo aan isna wax xiriira haba yaraatee la lahayn Soomaalida ku nool ma-gaaladan”.
Morgan Harper waxaa loogu deeqay lacag gaaraysa $323,000 muddo saddex bilood gudaheed ah, dadka lacagahaas ugu deeqay ayaa la sheegay in ay gaarayaan 2670 oo qof, meesha Joyce Beatty de-eqaha ay heshay ay ka heshay 160 qof, taasoo macnaheedu yahay in Joyce Beatty dadka laca-gaha siiyey u badan yihiin dad dano gaar ahaaneed ka leh oo ka socda shirkadaha waaweyn.
Mar aan waydiinay Mor-gan waxay dadka Soomaalida ah u qaba-nayso haddii la doorto waxay sheegtay in ay taa-geerayso ganacsatada yar yar ee u baahan in gacanta la qabto. Waxay kaloo sheegtay in lacag lagu fu-liyo barnaamijyada Soomaalidu u baahan yi-hiin uga raadin doonto dowladda federaalka ah, waxayna tiri “Waxaan la shaqayn doonaa xubnaha Aqalka Hoose oo isugu jira dimoqraadi iyo ribab-likaan”.
Madaxda Soomaalida ee sida aad ka ah uga biyo diidsan waxtar la’aanta Joyce Beatty waxaa ka mid ah Xasan Cumar oo ah madaxa Jaalliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Colum-bus, isagaa arrintaas ka hadlayana wuxuu yiri “Waxaan jeclaan lahaa in ay dadku taageeraan ciddii wax ka qabanaysa waxba-rashada, shaqo la’aanta ka jirta magaalada, na-badgelyada iyo guryaha. Joyce Beatty illaa iyo hadda ma jirto wax allaale waxay u qabatey dadka Soomaalida ah ee deggan xaafadeeda”. Mar aannu waydiinay in uu wax fariin ah u hayo dadka coday-naya wuxuu yiri “Waa in dhammaan dadku u codeeyo dadka inaga na taageersan, Joyce Beatty-na nama taageersana”.
Kowthar Muuse oo ah reer Columbus, diyaari-naysana shahaadada PH.D, kuna caan ah abaabulka bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaaladan Columbus, ha noqoto dhanka doorashooyinka ama wacyi galilntooda ayaa iyana sheegtey in Morgan Harper tahay qof yar oo fahmi kara baahida dhallinyaradeenu qabto, waxayna tiri “Waxaan u baahanay in aan dadaal iyo karti dheeraad ah muujino si aan u doorano Morgan oo ah qof diyaar u ah in ay wax u qabato dhallinta soo koraysa.
Morgan waxay taageer-san tahay siyaasada ay ku socoto Ilhaan Cumar oo ah gabar Soomaaliyeed oo Aqalka Hoose ku jirta. Waxay kaloo sheegtay in ay si wanaagsan ula shaqayn doonto Ilhan Cumar. Fadlan waa in aan loo kala harin doorashada, la shaqaynta iyo una howl-galka Morgan Harper.